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Peyronie’s Disease: The Medical Condition You Need to Know About

When men search for penis extender information and reviews, it’s usually because they simply want to add some length or girth. While this may be the most common motivation, it isn’t Peyronie's: A Medical Conditionthe only reason to shop for a penis extender or traction device. Peyronie’s Disease isn’t a well-known disease but is one that every man should know about and understand how to treat. The condition is thought to affect up to 20% or more of the population, but many men don’t even know what it is. Here we’ll take a look at what the condition is and how a traction device can help.

Peyronie’s Disease – A Brief Overview

Peyronie’s Disease is a condition that affects the appearance and, in some cases, the functionality of the penis.  Some men suffer with the condition from birth while others develop it after a traumatic injury to the groin. Simply put, Peyronie’s Disease is a build-up of scar tissue or plaque under the skin and along the shaft of the penis. For some men, the condition is all they’ve ever known and doesn’t pose a problem. For others, the condition results in a painful curve of the penis, sometimes making it feel as though it is tethered awkwardly to the rest of the groin.

Men who develop Peyronie’s Disease as adults often don’t realize what causes it and, in some cases, they end up dealing with e condition several times throughout their adult life. The condition can be caused by any traumatic injury, including those brought about by sex. Many times, men won’t realize a trauma has taken place and so he may continue to engage in the same position or activity. Below the surface, scar tissue builds upon itself until the visible and physical signs of the condition become impossible to ignore.

How Penis Extenders Can Help

The build-up of scar tissue causes the penis to come out of alignment. A slight curve or bend in the shaft is often not a big deal – some men even find they are better able to reach their partner’s G-spot as a result. This is not the case for most men, however, and medical treatments for Peyronie’s Disease are somewhat limited. Although research continues in regards to surgical and in-office options, a traction style penis extender remains one of the most commonly used – and most effective – treatments available.

A traction device helps by gently pulling the penis back into alignment by using gentle but prolonged pressure. When using a penis extender to treat Peyronie’s Disease, men are advised to take special care with the warm-up massages, hot cloth applications and other methods which soften the tissues and prepare them to be stretched. These preparations can help make the tissues more elastic which helps to make the treatment more effective overall.

Men who have suffered from Peyronie’s Disease for their entire lives may find they have a larger and longer penis once they address the issue. Since the condition often results in a curvature of the penis, straightening it out can easily lead to an extra inch or so in length. Other side effects of Peyronie’s Disease include:

  • Pain during sex
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Trouble achieving or maintaining an erection
  • Delayed ejaculation

Although each of these sexual dysfunctions may have another root cause, many of them can be traced back to Peyronie’s Disease and many men find these other conditions improve once treatment has begun.

Peyronie’s Disease is a serious condition which can strongly affect a man’s overall quality of life, but not one which has received much attention. Many men have the condition to some degree and may not even realize it. For those who think they may have the condition, getting a medical diagnosis can set their minds at ease and investing in a penis extender can give them the ability to begin treatment right away.